track and field athletics training squad

track and field athletics training squad

track and field athletics training camp squad coaching coach

track and field athletics training squad
Welcome to MULTUS
Highly decorated Australian athlete, Stephen Cain, transcends from “competitive elite decathlete” to “Coach”, further establishing his athletics coaching business “Multus Performance Coaching”.
Multus Performance Coaching offers specialised and professional coaching for School Programs, Clubs and individual athletes. We deliver an holistic approach to fundamental skill development and performance enhancement through our experience in running, jumping and throwing.
Our specialised training and education on fundamental physiology and movement patterning, combined with our high performance knowledge and training methods place us well to assist a wide variety of teams and athletes to optimise their speed, strength, power, efficiency and ultimate performance.
Contact "US" now to get started!
School Coaching

Squad Training

Multus Performance Coaching, provides specialist athletics coaching covers varying events such as: decathlon, heptathlon, sprinting / sprints, hurdles, long jump, high jump, pole vault, javelin, discus, shot put and middle to long distance running. There are training sessions for junior (little athletics), senior and elite athletes from beginner to experienced.
Locations based in Box Hill and Kooyong, lead by Head Coach Steve Cain, all sessions aim to prepare athletes to reach their full potential.
Through strong coaching and mentoring, Multus Performance Coaching focusses on an athlete’s development of overall heath and fitness, mastering correct technique of basic skill, decision making, communication skills and empowering athletes to grow their own leadership potential.
The name “Multus” combines the elements of what this training squad is all about.
“Multus” is derived from ancient Latin, meaning “many” - a hail to Steve Cain’s own athletics background, competing in the multi-disciplinary athletic event, the Decathlon – which encompasses running, jumping and throwing in a two-day, ten-event competition.
Private Coaching